16—Using Effects
222 www.rolandus.com Roland VS-2480 Owner’s Manual
Preset and User Effect Patches
The VS-2480’s memory contains 250 “preset” patches designed to meet a wide range of
effect-processing needs. The preset patches can’t be erased or modified—though you
can use them as the basis for your own patches—so they’re always there for you to use.
You can also store 200 of your own “user” patches in the VS-2480’s memory.You can
create these patches starting with the onboard effect algorithms—see “Starting from
Scratch” below—or customize preset patches for your own use and save them as your
own new user patches. Your collection of user patches is available in any project.
Starting from Scratch
The VS-2480’s 36 effect algorithms (Page 54) are the foundation on which effect patches
are built. To build your own effect patch from scratch, begin with one of the first 36
preset patches: P000-P035. These patches use each algorithm’s default settings.
Effect Patch Prefixes, Numbers and Names
Each effect patch is named using a specific set of naming conventions that provides
information about the patch. Each patch has a:
—that tells you if it’s a preset patch or a user patch. If the patch’s name starts
with a “P,” it’s a preset patch. If it starts with “U,” it’s a user patch.
—that shows you the patch’s position in the patch list.
—that describes the patch. If the patch isn’t a default patch (see above), its
name is preceded by an abbreviation that tells you the algorithm it’s based on. A
default patch’s name is the name of its algorithm.
Match the Patch to the Processor
Due to the processing requirements of some of the effect algorithms, not all patches
can be used by all of the processors.
Effect patches based on the following algorithms can’t be selected for the even-
numbered effect processors, Effect 2, 4, 6 and 8:
• Reverb • Gate Reverb • Vocoder2 (19)
• Voice Transformer • Mastering Tool Kit
Since the following algorithms require two effect processors, they can only be selected
for odd-numbered processors—Effect 1, 3, 5 or 7—and the selected processor’s even-
numbered partner—Effect 2, 4, 6 or 8, respectively—becomes unavailable for other use:
• Vocoder2 (19) • Voice Transformer • Mastering Tool Kit
As shipped from the factory, the VS-2480’s user patches are copies of the first 200 preset
patches. Since they’re only copies, you can replace them with your own user patches
without fearing that you’re losing anything.
In the patch list for the even-numbered processors, any patches based on these
algorithms are grayed-out and unselectable.
If on odd-numbered processor uses a patch based on one of these algorithms, the
EFFECT VIEW box and F button for its even-numbered partner is grayed-out.
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