27—Mastering and CD-R/RW Operations
346 www.rolandus.com Roland VS-2480 Owner’s Manual
7. To hear your mastering tracks, set STATUS to Play.
8. Press PLAY.
9. If you’d like to re-do the mastering tracks, Repeat Steps 2-8
Stretching Effects
If you’re using all of your effects in your mix, you won’t have any processing power left
over for an MTK effect. Solve this dilemma by using the Mastering Room twice:
• The first time, you’ll create mastering tracks of your mix with the desired effects.
• The second time, you’ll process those mastering tracks using the desired MTK
effect, creating final mastering tracks.
On your first visit, you’ll use the Mastering Room only for its ability to mix all of your
project’s tracks down to a pair of mastering tracks, leaving its other tools for your
second visit. Here’s what you can do to stretch your effects:
1. Set up the Mastering Room for your first visit as follows:
• Set STATUS to Record.
• Set CD Rec Mode to off so that the mastering tracks are recorded using the
project’s recording mode.
• Set Auto Marker to Off.
• For V. Track, select any pair of Track 23 and 24’s unused V-Tracks. Make sure you
still have another pair left to use as your final mastering tracks.
• Set FX Ins to Off.
• Set After Rec to ZERO.
2. Record your mix onto the selected mastering V-Tracks.
3. Select a new pair of V-Tracks for your final mastering tracks.
4. Press Track Channel 23’s CH EDIT button.
5. Set ChLink to On to link Tracks 23 and 24.
6. Select the V-Track you used for mastering in Step 1.
7. While holding down CLEAR, press Track Channel 23’s CH EDIT button to set both
track channels to 0dB.
8. Return to the Mastering Room and set the Mastering Room parameters—adding
the desired MTK insert effect—for the recording of your final mastering tracks.
Turn off the TRACK STATUS buttons for all tracks other than Tracks 23 and 24.
Editing Mastering Tracks
You can edit mastering tracks to trim unwanted space from before and after the audio,
between sections, and to remove unwanted audio or outtakes.
1. Go to the CH EDIT VIEW screen for Track Channel 23.
2. Set ChLink to On to link Tracks 23 and 24.
3. Select the V-Track you used as a mastering track.
If you’ve:
created a single-piece mastering track
—its data appears as a single pair of phrases
in the project’s playlist.
constructed a mastering track from individual selections one-by-one
—each selection
appears as a pair of phrases in the playlist.
If you’re editing CDR-recorded mastering tracks in a project that uses some other
mode, turn on the Mastering Room and set it to Play to hear what you’re editing.
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