24—MIDI and Synchronization
316 www.rolandus.com Roland VS-2480 Owner’s Manual
5. Set SYNC MODE to EXT, for “External” so that the VS-2480 uses the master device’s
timing to operate.
The SYNC with GAP parameter determines how the VS-2480 responds to small
gaps, or “dropouts,” that often occur in time code for a variety of reasons. Set it to:
—if you want the VS-2480 to stop if there’s any gap in the time code.
—if you want the VS-2480 to continue playing, or “freewheel,” at the last
synchronized speed until time code is again received.
6. Set EXT Sync SOURCE to the jack that’s receiving time code from the master
device. You can select:
7. Set FRAME RATE to the master device’s frame rate.
8. Set Sync ERROR LEVEL to adjust the VS-2480’s tolerance of dropouts in the time
code. Lower values make the VS-2480 less tolerant of time code problems, causing
it to cancel synchronization by stopping the VS-2480’s hard disk recorder. Higher
values make the VS-2480 more patient with problems in the time code, giving it
more time to recover before canceling synchronization.
9. Complete the setup by configuring the master device so that it’s set to:
• send MTC or SMPTE time code to the corresponding VS-2480 jack.
• the same frame rate as the VS-2480.
• generate MMC.
• transmit SysEx data.
Shifting the Project Start Time
It’s not uncommon to be syncing a VS-2480 project to material on a master device that
doesn’t begin at 00h00m00s00f00 MTC/SMPTE time. You might be syncing the project
to a song somewhere in the middle of a digital tape, for example. When you begin
playback, the VS-2480’s timeline shoots ahead to the same time location—the
beginning of the material on the master starts in the middle of the VS-2480’s project.
If you’ve already recorded at the beginning of your project, it won’t play along with the
master’s material. If you haven’t yet recorded on the VS-2480, any audio you record
during synchronization will begin somewhere within the project. When you want to do
unsynchronized work, you’ll need to navigate to the middle of the project to begin
playback each time instead of just being able to hit the ZERO button.
If you prefer, you can wait until you’re ready to begin synchronized playback and press
the EXT SYNC button to activate the VS-2480’s use of external sync.
The best setting for the both the SYNC with GAP and Sync ERROR LEVEL parameters
is a personal judgement call. When SYNC with GAP is turned off and SYNC ERROR
LEVEL is set to a lower value, you can be sure that your sync is rock-solid when
synchronization is successful. On the other hand, it’s more likely that synchronization
will fail. If you turn SYNC with GAP on and use a higher Sync ERROR LEVEL value,
it’s more likely that synchronization will succeed, but it may not be as tight. You may
need to experiment with various settings to find the one that’s most satisfactory.
Consult the master device’s documentation for synchronization setup details.
If the time code produced by the master device starts before 00h00m00s00f00—that is,
it’s a negative value—the project playback on the VS-2480 pauses at 23h.59m.59s.29f.99.
Be sure not to record any audio in the project at this time location.
VS2480OMUS.book 316 ページ 2006年2月7日 火曜日 午後4時16分