Chapter 6: Operation - User Functions
2. Press F4 to access the User Profile menu.
3. Press Tab until the UpDnChnl field is highlighted.
4. Press Enter and the highlight turns green.
5. Press the arrow keys (
, , , ) to switch between available
options, which include LftAlt (Left ALT), LShift (Left SHIFT),
CapLck (Caps Lock), NumLck (Num Lock), ScrLck (Scroll Lock),
and None (function disabled). Note that those options that have
been selected by the HotKey and Previous Channel Key fields are
not available.
6. Press Enter to select the desired option and the highlight turns back
to yellow.
7. Press S to save the changes.
STEP (B): Change Channels with the Key Combination
When you want to view the previous channel, use the following key
Press the <Up/Down Channel key> twice quickly, and then press
within 1 second
When you want to view the next channel, use this key combination:
Press the <Up/Down Channel key> twice quickly, and then press
within 1 second