How-To: Paragon Essentials
3. Unzip the downloaded file. There are a file named
ParagonUpdate_xxx.exe (xxx represents the version) and a firmware
file for the user station. If using the P2-EUST, the firmware file is
named EUST-xxx.hex. If using the P2-UST, the firmware file is
named V5-xxx.hex (xxx represents the version).
4. Double click “ParagonUpdate_xxx.exe” to execute the program.
5. Enter the information about the user station in the Paragon Update
utility. For example:
In the Name column, type P2-EUST-1
In the IP address/Serial column, select <Default Serial>
In the Port column, type 2. This represents the serial
6. Ensure the checkbox before the user station is selected (
7. Click Load Hex File to select the firmware file.
8. To start the upgrade, click Send To Paragon --> Yes.
9. Once the upgrade is completed, a message appears.
See General Update Procedure (on page 167) and Parag
ger User Guide for details. This user guide is available on
Raritan website's Firmware and Documentation section