Chapter 7: Operation - Administrator Functions
This menu displays one channel port's information in each row. If the
Paragon system detects a powered device on that channel port, it will
display the text in that row in green; otherwise, it will display it in black.
Again, there are two panels in this menu—left and right panels, indicated
by the right-pointing arrow (
) at the top of the menu. The fields and
columns on the left panel of this menu:
ChID: The channel port's number.
Name: The name of the device attached to that channel port. Device
names are case-sensitive and may be up to twelve alphanumeric
characters long. As shown with channel port #1 in and elsewhere,
you may leave a device name blank if you wish, but we do not
recommend this.
Scn: Displays the device's individual scan rate (the length of time
that the system pauses while scanning that channel port for those
users who set their Scan Mode to “Individual” rather than “Global”).
Using leading zeroes if necessary, type a two-digit number of
seconds from 01 to 24, or use the
and keys to increase and
decrease the current value by 1 respectively. The default setting is
Use the arrow keys, Tab, Shift + Tab, Page Up, and Page Down to
move within this menu and its submenus. Press Enter to edit a
highlighted field; it will turn green. When you finish editing a field, press
Enter followed by S to save the changes, or press Esc to abort them.
While the cursor is in the Device column, press Tab or
key to move
to the right panel of this menu and display device group information: The
Group columns display which groups (if any) the device has been
assigned to.