Chapter 7: Operation - Administrator Functions
Product family Number of
Rack space Corresponding device
option in the OSUI
DPXR8 series 8 1U rack mount PCR8
DPCS12 series 12 0U vertical mount PCS12
DPXS12 series 12 0U vertical mount PCS12
DPCS16 series 16 0U vertical mount DPX16
DPCR2X8 series 16 2U rack mount DPX16
DPXS16 series 16 0U vertical mount DPX16
DPCS20 series 20 0U vertical mount PCS20
DPXS20 series 20 0U vertical mount PCS20
DPCR20 series 20 2U rack mount PCS20
DPXR20 series 20 2U rack mount PCS20
PX-5520, PX-5522,
PX-5532/E, PX-5534/E,
PX5314, PX5318,
PX-5528, PX-4532,
PX-4534, PX-5501,
24 0U vertical mount DPX24
A special Raritan Power CIM (P2CIM-PWR) is available for use with this
kind of power strip.
To connect the power strip to the Paragon switch
1. Plug the Power CIM to the RJ45 port on the power strip.
2. Connect the power strip to an AC source.
3. Connect the Power CIM to one of the channel ports on a Paragon
switch via a Cat5 UTP cable.
Configuring and Naming the Power Strip
Activate the Paragon II OSUI by logging into the system or pressing the
hot key (default: Scroll Lock) twice quickly. The new Power Strip should
appear in the appropriate channel port with the name PCR8, PCS12, or
PCS20, depending on the model type. The Power Strip will be treated
exactly like a tiered device.
1. Press F5 to activate the Administration Menu.
2. Select option 3, “Channel Configuration,” and press Enter.
3. Select the Power Strip's channel port, and edit the name of the
Power Strip. The appropriate model type should already be selected
in the Device column.