54 Section 2A: Moving Around on Your Treo Pro Smartphone
Moving Around on the Screen
To move around on the Treo™ Pro smartphone by Palm screen, you can use the 5-way
navigator or you can tap items on the screen with the stylus. With use, you can find your own
favorite way to scroll, highlight, and select items.
Using the 5-way, press Right , Left , Up , or Down to move around on the screen.
Press Center to select highlighted items.
1 Up
2 Right
3 Down
4 Left
5 Center
Some third-party applications may not work with the 5-way navigator, and
you must use the stylus instead.
The arrow icons that indicate directions on the 5-way are different from the
onscreen scroll arrows and the arrows that indicate that a list is available
(see “Selecting Options in a List” on page 60).