
396 Section 7A: Help
An Alert Tells Me That My Account Information Could Not Be Detected
When you set up the Exchange server sync options, the credentials page was left blank.
Correct the credentials (see “Setting Up Wireless Synchronization” on page 332), or set up
your smartphone to sync only with a computer, and try to sync again.
An Alert Tells Me that My Device Timed Out While Waiting For Credentials
The Exchange server credentials screen was left open too long. Reenter the Exchange server
credentials, and try to sync again.
My Today Screen Settings Are Not Restored After a Hard Reset
Settings such as the background image and plug-in choices are not backed up during
synchronization, so they can’t be restored after a hard reset. If you use a backup utility, such
as the included Sprite Backup, you may be able to restore a backup to recover your Today
screen settings and other additional information.
When I Sync With My Exchange Server, My Information Is Not Downloaded to My Smartphone
Check with your system administrator to obtain the name of the mail server that offers you
wireless access to the corporate mail system. If you cannot obtain the name of this server
(some companies do not give it out, because they do not want wireless access to their
servers), you cannot use ActiveSync to synchronize with the Exchange server. You can also
check the following setting:
1. Press Start and select Programs.
2. Select ActiveSync .
3. Press Menu (right softkey) and select Configure Server.
4. Make sure the SSL box is checked.