Index 442
See also Web pages; Web sites
built-in applications 14, 322, 435
See also specific application
bulleted lists 284, 287, 288, 306
Burst mode 230, 233
assigning to Media Player 254
assigning voice commands to 349
changing language options for 192
disabling touch sensitivity for 355
making phone calls and 88, 355
navigating screen and 54, 57
opening applications and 68, 348
receiving voicemail and 103
turning sounds on or off for 345
CAB files 320
calculations 277, 296
Calculator application 276–277
adding appointments to 264, 265
adding meeting requests to 154
adding untimed events to 264
hiding appointments 267
opening 263
organizing events on 268
removing events from 269
removing meeting requests from 155
selecting default view for 269
sending items on 163, 267
setting alarms for 265, 269
setting options for 268, 269–270
troubleshooting sync problems for 393
unavailable time slots on 268
viewing appointments on 74, 263
Calendar application 263–270
Calendar button 22
call forwarding 90
Call History List 79, 82–83
Call sender command 165
call waiting 91
callback numbers 171
caller IDs 258
calling cards 16
calls. See phone calls
adjusting picture settings for 232
adjusting video settings for 234
changing modes for 230–231
customizing settings for 235–236
freeing internal memory and 403
overview 230
recording videos with 233–234
setting image properties for 236
taking pictures with 231–233,
troubleshooting 401
Camera application 21
camera lens 24
capitalization 62, 354
Caps Lock 63
captions 163
Capture command 163
Capture Format option 235
Capture Speed option 235
car kits 94, 95, 96