Section 3D: Browsing the Web 191
Browsing the Web
Ⅲ Custom page: Enter the address of the page you want to be your home page.
4. Select Privacy and Security and set any of the following
options. (Press Done [left softkey] when you have finished.)
Ⅲ Enable scripts: Sets whether Internet Explorer Mobile
runs scripts on the pages you visit.
Ⅲ Enable cookies: Sets whether Internet Explorer Mobile
accepts cookies.
Ⅲ Warn when changing to an unsecured page: Sets
whether a message appears when you switch from a
secure page to one that is not secure.
5. Select Languages and set any of the following options.
(Press Done [left softkey] when you have finished.)
Ⅲ Preferred language to read websites: Sets the
language used to display Web pages and address bar
Ⅲ Encoding: Defines the character set to be used to
display Web pages.
Ⅲ Auto-Select: Enables Internet Explorer Mobile to try to
determine language encoding information when a Web
site does not include it.