A note about privacy
At OnStar, we know you want to protect your privacy, and we take
subscriber privacy very seriously. Privacy-sensitive users of wireless
communications are cautioned that the privacy of any information
sent via wireless cellular communications cannot be assured. Third parties may
unlawfully intercept or access transmissions and private communications without
your consent. The complete OnStar Privacy Policy may be found at onstar.com.
Voice Command Error Messages
“Pardon” – If the system responds with “Pardon” when you’re speaking a
phone number, just try repeating the number again. Ensure you dial phone
numbers using a 1 plus the area code, then the number. If the system responds
with, “Pardon” when you’re speaking a command, try repeating the command
as clearly as possible. After the third time this happens, the system will try to
guess the command you are requesting. If correct, say “Yes.” If not, say “No,”
and the system will prompt you with its next-best guess.
“Slower, please” – This response normally happens if you say a command
before the system is ready to listen or if there is substantial background noise.
Try to listen slightly longer before speaking, and try to minimize background noise.
TTY Users
For subscribers who are deaf, hard-of-hearing, or speech impaired (and other TTY
users), OnStar now offers the ability for you to communicate with OnStar Advi-
sors while in your vehicle. The GM Dealer-installed TTY system can provide you
in-vehicle access to all of the OnStar services except Virtual Advisor and OnStar
Turn-by-Turn Navigation. Additionally, a dial pad provides access to make phone
calls using OnStar’s Hands-Free Calling feature. This equipment is available on
select 2007 model year General Motors vehicles, visit onstar.com/tty for a list of
eligible vehicles.
If you have an eligible vehicle and would like this equipment installed, it is
available at little or no additional cost to you through the GM Mobility Reimburse-
ment Program. Visit your GM dealer to discuss the details. TTY users and family
members can use a TTY connection to call OnStar toll free at 1.877.248.2080
for assistance with unlocking your vehicle’s doors, for Stolen Vehicle Location
Assistance, for remote horn and lights, subscription renewal, or for any questions
regarding your OnStar account. Please visit onstar.com/tty for more
information on TTY and all these services.
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