OnStar Virtual Advisor
You can make your driving time more enjoyable and productive with Virtual
Advisor. Virtual Advisor is a feature of OnStar Hands-Free Calling that uses
your minutes to access weather, traffi c reports, and stock quotes. By just
pushing the phone button and giving a few simple voice commands,
you can browse through the various topics. You can customize your
information at myonstar.com.
How to connect to Virtual Advisor
1. Push the phone button. When OnStar responds with “OnStar
ready,” say “Virtual Advisor.”
2. OnStar responds with “Connecting to OnStar Virtual Advisor.”
Getting information from OnStar Virtual Advisor
OnStar Virtual Advisor has a few simple commands to help you request the
information you want. If you’re unsure of what to ask for when using Virtual
Advisor, you can say “What are my choices,” or “Help.”
By saying “Get my weather,” you’ll receive a weather report for your
vehicle’s current location.
Traffi c
By saying “Get my traffi c,” you’ll receive an up-to-date report that includes
construction, volume delays, and accident details within a fi ve-mile radius of
where you were when you called Virtual Advisor.
Just saying “Get my stocks” can get stock prices for your favorite stocks.
You’ll need to visit OnStar.com and select up to 10 stocks. When you call
Virtual Advisor you’ll hear the stock prices that are within 15 minutes of the
last market update.
17572 R17 9.28.06_singlepgs.inddSec1:39 Sec1:3917572 R17 9.28.06_singlepgs.inddSec1:39 Sec1:39 10/5/06 2:28:23 PM10/5/06 2:28:23 PM