
Potential Issues You
May Encounter
Some OnStar services are disabled after 48 hours
OnStar is powered by your vehicle’s battery. To preserve the battery for start-
ing the vehicle, OnStar cannot perform remote door unlocks, alerts, or Stolen
Vehicle Location Assistance after the vehicle has been off continuously for 48
hours. Most customers realize they locked the keys in their vehicle within a
few hours. After 48 hours, OnStar can contact Roadside Service for you and
contact a locksmith to help get you back in your vehicle.
Global Positioning System (GPS)
Vehicle positioning information is normally sent to the OnStar Center during
OnStar button pushes, air bag deployments, or emergency-service button
requests from the vehicle.
Vehicle position is determined by your vehicle receiving signals transmitted
by GPS satellites. If the signals are obstructed, positioning capability could
be degraded or lost. This situation would be most prevalent in urban areas
with tall buildings. Tunnels, underpasses, parking garages, trees, and similar
structures could also adversely affect positioning performance. Under these
conditions, the system will operate but the OnStar Center could have dif-
fi culty identifying your location.
Cellular antennas
Your OnStar-equipped vehicle may have a short, black, cellular antenna
mounted on the roof. Because all OnStar cellular antennas are ideally
mounted outside of the metal and glass of the vehicle, they can receive
cellular signals without obstruction by the vehicle. You will fi nd that the
OnStar system broadcasts and receives cellular signals much better than a
handheld cell phone. This may allow you to make and receive wireless calls
when other phones won’t.
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