Emergency Services
(Included with every OnStar subscription – a link to all Emergency Services)
Pushing the Emergency Button
The OnStar buttons are designed for simple and easy access. When you’re
in an Emergency situation, all you have to do is make one simple push of the
red button . When you do, you’ll hear the message, “Connecting to
OnStar Emergency.” If you push this button inadvertently, just press the
black phone button to hang up the call as soon as possible. Your vehicle and
your OnStar system are designed so that when you push the Emergency button
a high priority call with your current GPS location can be sent to the specially
trained OnStar Emergency Team. These Advisors are trained to respond to
emergency situations and work with local emergency providers to get you the
help you need quickly. The Emergency Advisors are standing by every second
of every day to respond to any situation.
Say you’re on vacation and you need help. Turn your ignition on and push the
emergency button. OnStar Emergency Advisors can quickly help locate the near-
est hospital to you, and if you want them to, the Advisors can guide you there.
AMBER Alert Response
Many states have AMBER Alert systems. If you want to report information related
to an AMBER Alert, push the Emergency button. An OnStar Emergency Advisor
can connect you to the proper authorities so you can help with the situation.
Automatic Notifi cation of Air Bag Deployment
If you are in a collision and the air bags deploy, your vehicle can automatically
place a priority call to the OnStar Emergency Services team. Your location, as
determined by your on-board Global Positioning System (GPS), is sent with
this call. This enables the OnStar Advisor to relay your location to emergency
service personnel so services can be dispatched quickly.
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