Safety 1-11
Part 7119745C
E 2007 Nordson Corporation
MiniCure 08-07
Safety UV curing
NOTE: The subtrate collection tray on the outfeed of the unit forms part of
the UV shielding. If this tray is not fitted alternative shielding methods must
be provided for operator and bystander safety.
UV measurements in the infeed chamber at belt level are
20 Micro Watts/cm
. If gloves and glasses are not used, then exposure to
the UV should be limited to no more than 4 mins per day.
UV measurements in the delivery tray are between
0.8--1.0 Micro Watts/cm
U.V. Radiation
UV radiation is generated from UV lamps and can be harmful if operator
exposure exceeds recommended levels, (see U.V. Permissible Exposure
Levels in this section).
Radiation is in the wavelength bands A B and C. Exposure to UV radiation
can result in:
S Reddening of skin.
S Headaches
S Sore eyes
If any symptoms appear, investigations should be carried out.
Nordson UV can, on request, supply UV safety glasses -- Part No. 7350033
and gloves -- Part No. 7350657.
First Aid
On skin no treatment can immediately be made, however, soothing cream
can be applied to the affected area.
For exposure to eyes medical attention should be sought immediately.