YML18WN 3G18Wn User Guide18WN 3G18Wn User Guide 3G18Wn User Guide3G18Wn User Guide
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NetComm Liberty Series - 3G Wireless N300 Router
MAC/IP/Port Filtering
This page allows you to setup MAC, IP and port ltering rules to protect your network from malicious activity. The ltering rules can be used
to either allow or block certain users and/or ports from accessing the Internet.
Basic Settings
Name Description
MAC/IP/Port Filtering: Select Enable to enable MAC/IP/Port Filtering
Default Policy: Select whether packets that do not match any rules are accepted or dropped
MAC/IP/Port Filtering Settings
Name Description
MAC Address: MAC address of a local computer
Dest IP Address: Destination IP Address for the lter rule
Source IP Address: Source IP Address for the lter rule
Protocol: Select the port number protocol type (TCP, UDP or both). If you are
unsure, then leave it to the default “TCP&UDP” setting
Dest Port Range: Destination Port Range of the lter rule
Source Port Range: Source Port Range of the lter rule
Action: Either accept or drop the packet that matches the rule
Comment: Add a comment to identify the rule (optional)
Click Apply to save the settings.