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7.1.8 Instructions
(1) Target of write/read to/from PLC
This section explains the target memory of write to PLC and the target data of
read from PLC using cut/copy and paste (drag and drop).
(a) Target memory of write to PLC
• When the PLC CPU is specified as the paste (drop) destination, Program
memory/Device memory or PLC RAM/Device memory is the target
• When the memory is specified as the paste (drop) destination, the
specified memory is the target memory.
• When the data type/file is specified as the paste (drop) destination, the
memory storing the specified data or file is the target memory.
When paste destination is data or file,
write to PLC is performed to memory
which stores that data or file.
: Write to PLC cannot be performed if cut/copy (drag) source is in other than PC side window.
When paste destination is PLC CPU,
write to PLC is performed to Program
memory/Device memory or PLC RAM
/Device memory.
When paste destination is memory,
write to PLC is performed to that
(b) Target data and file of read from PLC
• When the PLC CPU is specified as the cut/copy (drag) source, all data
and files in Program memory/Device memory or PLC RAM/Device
memory are the target of read.
• When the memory is specified as the cut/copy (drag) source, all data and
files in the specified memory are the target of read.
• When the data type/file is specified as the cut/copy (drag) source, the
memory storing the specified data or file is the target of read.
When cut/copy source is data or file,
that data or file is read to PLC.
: Write to PLC cannot be performed if paste (drop) destination is in other than PC side window.
When cut/copy source is PLC CPU,
all data and files in Program memory
/Device memory or PLC RAM/Device
memory are read to PLC.
When cut/copy source is memory,
all data in that memory are are
read to PLC.
(2) PLC series/types of project and PLC CPU
If the PLC series of the cut/copy source differs from that of the paste destination,
paste (write/read to/from PLC) cannot be performed.
If the PLC series of the cut/copy source and paste destination are the same but
their PLC types are different, the following screen appears before execution of
paste (write/read to/from PLC).
Change the PLC type of the project using GX Developer.