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(3) Changing the display type
The detail display field has two display modes: list display and detail display.
Choosing the [View] - [List] menu selects the list display mode.
Choosing the [View] - [Details] menu selects the detail display mode.
In the detail display mode, the following items appear.
• Project .................. PLC type (GX Developer project only), Size, Type, Modified
• Folder ................... Type, Modified, Attributes
• File ........................ Size, Type, Modified, Attributes
There are the following attributes.
R: Read-only H: Hidden
S: System A: Archive
<Example of screen in detail display mode>
(4) Changing the display order
You can change the display order of the detail display field between the name,
type, size and date orders.
However, the basic "folder - project - file" order is not changed.
Choosing the [View] - [Arrange Icons] - [by Name] menu displays folders/
projects/files in the name order.
Choosing the [View] - [Arrange Icons] - [by Type] menu displays folders/
projects/files in the type order.
Choosing the [View] - [Arrange Icons] - [by Size] menu displays folders/
projects/files in the size order. (The folders are displayed in the name order.)
Choosing the [View] - [Arrange Icons] - [by Date] menu displays folders/
projects/files in the updated date order.
Clicking the corresponding item in the detail display mode changes the display
(Clicking it again changes between the ascending and descending orders.)
<Example of screen displayed in size order>