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5.3 Basic Operations for PC Side Window
5.3.1 Displaying the data in the personal computer
This section explains the basic operations to be performed in the PC side window.
(1) Viewing the objects in the drive or folder
Choosing a drive or folder in the project display field or double-clicking a folder in
the detail display field displays its internal objects (projects, folders, files) in the
detail display field.
Choosing the [Edit] - [Move up] menu displays the layer above the current one.
(You may also press the Backspace
Choose "GX Developer" folder.
Objects in "GX Developer"
folder appear.
(2) Viewing the project layout
Choosing a project in the project display field displays only that project in the
detail display field.
Further double-clicking that project in the detail display field shows the data types
and file names of that project in a tree structure.
Choosing the [Edit] - [Move up] menu displays the layer above the current one.
(You may also press the Backspace
Data types and file names of
"Sample1" project appear.
Choose "Sample1" project.
Note that when folders and files in the personal computer are displayed, GX
Explorer may differ from Windows
Explorer in icons and/or upper/lower-case
character indications.