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• GX Developer (SW7D5C-GPPW or later) must have been installed to start GX
• The processing at start of GX Explorer varies with the network check setting in
To make the network check setting, click the [Tools]-[Options] menu and make
setting on the Network check setting screen in the Options dialog box.
Connection station check : Checks whether the PLC types of the connection
stations and the presence/absence of networks
match the network configuration information.
After Target setup is finished, a connection station
check is made automatically. (Refer to Section 5.4.1
for Target setup.)
Total station number check: Checks whether the total number of stations actually
connected in the networks matches the total number
of stations in the network configuration information.
5.1.2 Exiting
There are the following methods to exit from GX Explorer.
• Click the [File] - [Exit GX Explorer] menu.
• Click
on the left of the title bar and click the [Close] menu.
• Click
on the right of the title bar.
• Press the shortcut keys Alt
+ F4 .