AppLock Error Messages 275
E-EQ-VX3XRG-G VX3X Reference Guide
Message Explanation and/or corrective action Level
Enter EncryptPwd Entering the password encryption processing. LOG_PROCESSING
Enter FullScreenMode Entering the function that switches the screen mode. In
full screen mode, the taskbar is hidden and disabled.
Enter GetAppInfo Processing is at the beginning of the function that
retrieves the application information from the registry.
Enter password dialog Entering the password dialog processing. LOG_PROCESSING
Enter password timeout Entering the password timeout processing. LOG_PROCESSING
Enter restart app timer Some application shut down before AppLock can stop
it. In these cases, AppLock gets notification of the exit.
When the notification is received, AppLock starts a
timer to restart the application. This message logs that
the timer has expired and the processing is at the
beginning of the timer function.
Enter TaskbarScreenMode Entering the function that switches the screen to non-full
screen mode and enable the taskbar.
Enter ToAdmin Entering the function that handles a mode switch into
admin mode.
Enter ToUser Entering the function that handles the mode switch to
user mode
Enter verify password Entering the password verification processing. LOG_PROCESSING
Exit AppLockEnumWindows-
There are two exit paths from the enumeration function.
This message denotes the enumeration function found
the application.
Exit AppLockEnumWindows-Not
There are two exit paths from the enumeration function.
This message denotes the enumeration function did not
find the application.
Exit DecryptPwd Exiting password decryption processing. LOG_PROCESSING
Exit EncryptPwd Exiting password encryption processing. LOG_PROCESSING
Exit FullScreenMode Exiting the function that switches the screen to full
Exit GetAppInfo Processing is at the end of the function that retrieved the
application information from the registry.
Exit password dialog Exiting password prompt processing. LOG_PROCESSING
Exit password dialog-cancel Exiting password prompt w/cancel. LOG_PROCESSING
Exit password dialog-OK Exiting password prompt successfully. LOG_PROCESSING