Summit Radio 189
E-EQ-VX3XRG-G VX3X Reference Guide
The entries on the Credentials screen are determined by the type of credentials (stored or sign on)
and the type of PAC provisioning (automatic or manual).
Click on the Credentials button.
To use Stored Credentials, click on the Credentials button. No entries are necessary for Sign-On
Credentials with automatic PAC provisioning as the user will be prompted for the Username and
Password when connecting to the network.
Figure 5-27 EAP-FAST Credentials
To use Sign-On credentials:
• Do not enter a User and Password as the user will be prompted for the Username and
Password when connecting to the network.
To use Stored Credentials:
• Enter the Domain\Username (if the Doman is required), otherwise enter the
• Enter the password.
To use Automatic PAC Provisioning:
• No additional entries are required.
To use manual PAC Provisioning:
• Enter the PAC Filename and PAC Password.
• The PAC file must be copied to the directory specified in the Certs Path global
variable. The PAC file must not be read only.
Tap OK then tap Commit. Ensure the correct Active Profile is selected on the Main tab and
warmboot. The SCU Main tab shows the device is associated after the radio connects to the
Note: When using Automatic PAC Provisioning, once authenticated, there is a file stored in the
\System directory with the PAC credentials. If the username is changed, that file must be
deleted. The filename is autoP.00.pac.