162 Summit Radio
VX3X Reference Guide E-EQ-VX3XRG-G
IMPORTANT – Remember to click the Commit button after making changes to ensure the
changes are saved. Newer versions of the SCU display a reminder if the Commit button
is not clicked before an attempt it made to close or browse away from the Config tab if
there are unsaved changes. If changes are made to the stored credentials, click Commit
to save those changes before making any additional changes to the profile parameters
A string of 1 to 32 alphanumeric characters, name of the Profile
Default: Default
A string of up to 32 alphanumeric characters, the Service Set Identifier (SSID) of the WLAN to
which the radio connects
Default: Blank
Client Name
A string of up to 16 characters – Name assigned to the radio and the device using the radio. The
client name may be passed to networking radio devices, e.g. Access Points.
Default: Blank
Power Save
Power save mode.
Options: CAM = Constantly Awake Mode, power save off
Maximum = Maximum power saving mode
Fast = Fast power saving mode
Default: Fast
Tx Power
Desired transmit power.
Options: Maximum = Max power for current regulatory domain
50, 30, 20, 10, 5 or 1 mW
Default: Maximum
Bit Rate
Options: Auto = Rate negotiated automatically with the AP
1, 2, 5.5, 6, 9, 11, 12, 18, 24, 36, 48 or 54 Mbit
Default: Auto