
Video Search
NOTE: The 24 hours time table has 24 one-hour segments. Each segment consists of 24-numeric blocks
which are ranged from 0 to 23. If a number is highlighted in Red, it means that video was recorded during
that hour. However, it does NOT mean video was recorded for the entire hour.
NOTE: The 60 minutes time table has six 10-minute segments. Each segment consists of 10-numeric
blocks which range from 0 to 9. If a number is highlighted in Red, it means that video was recorded during
that 10-minute time block. However, it does NOT mean video was recorded for the entire hour.
Select the “EVENT LOG SEARCH” in the search function menu. A basic search screen will be displayed
as shown below.
The system maintains a log of each time the Alarm Input port is activated. The Event Log Search screen
displays this list. Use the arrow buttons to select the event to display the corresponding video.