Network Setup Menu
Serial Setup
Controls for the Serial setup for PTZ, Specialty Keyboard or Point of Sale (POS) system.
• USE – Set the device connected to the
serial port to PTZ, Keyboard or POS.
• PORT – Contains the port specific settings.
Please refer to the manual for the specific
device for details:
o Baud Rate
o Parity
o Data Bit
o Stop Bit
NOTE: If you select PTZ (RS-485), you can’t use
POS or REMOTE (RS-232).
DDNS Setup
Controls for the settings for DDNS Remote connection.
• ON/OFF – Turn DDNS ON or OFF.
PASSWORD - Enter the Domain Name,
User Name and Password information
received in email during the DDNS setup
process at http://ddns.strategicvista.net
• Click the CHECK button to test the
connection. A successful Connection
message should appear.
NOTE: You must restart the system to apply new setup about the DDNS.