Additional Key Functions
You can capture and save a still cut in the pause mode during the playback. First, insert the USB memory
stick to the USB port in the front panel. Then, play a video and set screen mode to full screen for the
channel you want to capture. After that, press the pause button in the capture position of video. Finally,
Select SNAPSHOT in KEY ADD FUNCTION menu to capture and save a still cut.
This function is inactivated in the live monitoring mode or multi-screen playback mode.
Note: You can see a captured file in the clip player only.
Selecting “KEY LOCK” in the function screen causes the system to lock the buttons on the front panel
from functioning.
6.2 AUDIO Control
Pressing the
AUDIO key on the front panel will display the audio window.
You can select an audio channel you want to connect. An audio icon,
will appear in the corner of a
multi-screen to indicate audio is available on a particular channel.
Note: Pressing the MUTE key on the front panel causes the system to set the audio level to the minimum
level. The system displays mute icon, instead audio icon, . Pressing the button again toggles the
mute between on and off
Increases or decreases the audio volume using the slider bar. To use the front panel buttons, press the
Left and Right arrow keys to control the audio volume.