
Event Menu
Event Menu
Alarm-In – Sets the system notifications
and controls when an event is triggered on
an Alarm IN device.
MotionSets the options for Motion
Detection and notification.
Video Loss - Sets the system notifications
when a Video Loss event is detected.
Text-In – Sets the options for processing
Text-In (i.e. from a Point of Sale machine).
System Event – Sets the notifications for
system events.
Sets the system notifications and controls when an
event is triggered on an Alarm IN device.
HOLD TIME – Set the length of time that
the event action will occur (i.e. Buzzer,
Onscreen display, etc.)
ALM1~8 – Sets the alarm for each
channel to ON or OFF.
TYPE – Set the Type of Alarm to Normally
Open (NO) or Normally Closed (NC)
ACTION – Set the behavior for the system
when an event is detected on the specified channel:
o All: All actions occur
o Relay: A relay output will occur to the Alarm-Out function
o Buzzer: An audible buzzer will sound when an event is
o Email: An email will be sent (based on user and LAN
o Network: An alert will be sent to the remote client (based
on LAN settings).
RECORD – Select the cameras to record when an event is
detected. Select ALL Cameras, each camera separately or a
combination of individual cameras.