
PC Viewer – Main Window (cont …)
– Saves the current video stream as an AVI file (AVI
Files can be played back in a Video Playback application such as Windows Media Player®, as long as
the correct Codecs are installed on the PC).
Load the Video into the Player Window.
Use the Viewer Controls to locate the point in the
video to start the Video Save.
Press the PAUSE button on the Viewer Controls
Press the Capture AVI Stream button. A ‘Save File’
dialogue window will appear prompting the user to
select a save directory.
Once a Save Directory is selected, a Video
Compression window will appear. Select the desired
Compression Type (Codec)*:
o Cinepak Codec by Radius
o Intel 4:2:0 Video V2.50
o Intel Indeo(R) Video R3.2
o Intel IYUV Codec
o Microsoft RLE
o Microsoft Video 1
o Microsoft H.263 Video Codec
o Microsoft H.261 Video Codec
o Intel Indeo® Video 4.5
o Indeo® Video 5.10
o DivX® 6.1.1 Codec (1 Logical)
o DivX® 6.1.1 YV12 Decoder
o Sunplus 32-bit Compressor
o VCM IMM4 Decoder
o Xvid MPEG-4 Codec
o Full Frames (uncompressed)
* NOTE: Video Codecs for playback are NOT supplied with this Software. Codecs can be downloaded
from the Internet on sites such as http://www.microsoft.com
or http://www.Divx.com
Once the compression type is
selected, press the OK button to
save the video.
Press the AVI Capture Button to
end the Video Capture.
11. CAPTURE JPEG STILL IMAGE – Saves the current video image as a JPEG Image file.
Load the Video into the Player Window.
Use the Viewer Controls to locate the point in the video to start the Image Save.
Press the PAUSE button on the Viewer Controls
Press the Capture JPEG Image
A ‘Screen Capture Message’
window will appear indicating a
successful image capture.
12. AUDIO CONTROLS – Controls the Audio Playback Volume and Mute Status.
NOTE: If no audio capture device has been connected to the DVR, audio will not be
recorded to the DVR.
13. PLAYBACK STATUS – Indicates the current Video Playback status as