PC Viewer – Main Window (cont …)
– Saves the current video stream as an AVI file (AVI
Files can be played back in a Video Playback application such as Windows Media Player®, as long as
the correct Codecs are installed on the PC).
• Load the Video into the Player Window.
• Use the Viewer Controls to locate the point in the
video to start the Video Save.
• Press the PAUSE button on the Viewer Controls
• Press the Capture AVI Stream button. A ‘Save File’
dialogue window will appear prompting the user to
select a save directory.
• Once a Save Directory is selected, a Video
Compression window will appear. Select the desired
Compression Type (Codec)*:
o Cinepak Codec by Radius
o Intel 4:2:0 Video V2.50
o Intel Indeo(R) Video R3.2
o Intel IYUV Codec
o Microsoft RLE
o Microsoft Video 1
o Microsoft H.263 Video Codec
o Microsoft H.261 Video Codec
o Intel Indeo® Video 4.5
o Indeo® Video 5.10
o DivX® 6.1.1 Codec (1 Logical)
o DivX® 6.1.1 YV12 Decoder
o Sunplus 32-bit Compressor
o VCM IMM4 Decoder
o Xvid MPEG-4 Codec
o Full Frames (uncompressed)
* NOTE: Video Codecs for playback are NOT supplied with this Software. Codecs can be downloaded
from the Internet on sites such as http://www.microsoft.com
or http://www.Divx.com
• Once the compression type is
selected, press the OK button to
save the video.
• Press the AVI Capture Button to
end the Video Capture.
11. CAPTURE JPEG STILL IMAGE – Saves the current video image as a JPEG Image file.
• Load the Video into the Player Window.
• Use the Viewer Controls to locate the point in the video to start the Image Save.
• Press the PAUSE button on the Viewer Controls
• Press the Capture JPEG Image
• A ‘Screen Capture Message’
window will appear indicating a
successful image capture.
12. AUDIO CONTROLS – Controls the Audio Playback Volume and Mute Status.
NOTE: If no audio capture device has been connected to the DVR, audio will not be
recorded to the DVR.
13. PLAYBACK STATUS – Indicates the current Video Playback status as