Drive Chain (see Final Drive chapter)
.Fill the engine with engine oil (see Engine Lubrication
System chapter).
.Fill the engine with coolant and bleed the air from the
cooling system (see Cooling System chapter).
.Adjust the carburetor synchronization and idling.
A. Bracket
B. Bracket Bolts and Nuts
C. Engine Mounting Bolts and Nuts
.Place the jack (special tool) under the swing arm to
steady the motorcycle.
.Place the suitable stand or the jack under the engine.
.Remove the engine mounting bolts. Support the engine
before sliding out the engine mounting bolts.
A. Jack: 57001-1238
B. Suitable Stand
I nsta//ation
.Installation is the reverse of removal. Note the follow-
.Install a shim (thickness 0.5 mm) between the lower
part of the crankcase and the frame bracket (see
Exploded View).
.Supporting the engine, first insert the upper bolts. and
then the lower bolts.
.Tighten the following fasteners to the specified torque
(see Exploded View).
Engine Mounting Bolts
Engine Bracket Bolts
.Run the wires, cables, and hoses as shown in the
Wiring, Cables, and Hose Routing section of the
General Information chapter.
.Adjust the following.
Throttle Cables (see Fuel System chapter)
Choke Cable(see Fuel System chapter)
Clutch Cable (see Clutch chapter)