Oil Pan
O Tighten the filter with the oil filter wrench to the
specified torque (see Exploded View) or tighten it with
hands about * turns after gasket contacts the mounting
surface of engine.
O Pour in the specified type and amount of oil.
.Set the motorcycle on its side stand.
.Remove the following.
Lower Fairings (see Frame chapter)
Muffler (see Engine Top End)
Engine Oil (Drain, see this chapter)
Oil Pressure Switch Lead
Oil Pressure Switch (as necessary)
Oil Pipes
c. Oil Pressure Switch
A. Front
B. Switch Lead
.Remove the oil pan bolts and take off the oil pan.
I nstal!ation
.Installation is the reverse of removal. Note the follow-
.Apply silicone sealant to the threads of the oil pressure
switch and tighten it to the specified torque (see
Exploded View).
.Replace the gasket with a new one.
.Replace the O-rings with new ones if they are damaged.
.Tighten the oil pan bolts to the specified torque (see
Exploded View).