Pickup Coil Resistance (x 100 0)
355 -5350 (BK, y lead)
*If the distance reading is less than the specified value,
the ignition coil or spark plug caps are defective.
.Using the highest resistance range of the ohmmeter,
measure the resistance between the pickup coil leads
and chassis ground.
* Any meter reading less than infinity ( 00 ) indicates a
short, necessitating replacement of the pickup coil
Ignition Coil Arcing Distance
7 mm or more
Ignition Coil Removal
.Remove surge tank cover (see Fuel System chapter)
.Remove the ignition coil from the bracket.
.To determine which part is defective, measure the arcing
distance again with the spark plug caps removed from
the ignition coil.
*If the arcing distance is subnormal as before, the trouble
is with the ignition coil itself. If the arcing distance is
now normal, the trouble is with the spark plug caps.
Ignition Coil Installation
.Connect the primary leads to the ignition coil terminals.
Black Lead-+ to #1, #4 Coil
Green Lead-+ to #2. #3 Coil
Red Lead-+ to both Coils
Ignition Coil Inspection
.Remove the ignition coils.
.Measure the arcing distance with Kawasaki coil tester
(special tool: 57001 -1242 to check the condition of
the ignition coil.
Measuring coil resistance:
If the arcing tester is not available, the coil can be
checked for a broken or badly shorted winding with an
ohmmeter. However, an ohmmeter cannot detect layer
shorts and shorts resulting from insulation breakdown
under high voltage.
.Disconnect the primary leads from the coil terminals.
.Measure the primary winding resistance.
O Connect an ohmmeter between the coil terminals.
OSet the meter to the x 1 n range, and read the meter.
.Measure the secondary winding resistance.
O Pull the spark plug cap off the lead.
O Connect an ohmmeter between the spark plug leads.
OSet the meter to the x 1 kQ and read the meter.
* If the meter does not read as specified, replace the coil.
OSince a tester other than the Kawasaki coil tester may
produce a different arcing distance, the Kawasaki coil
tester is recommended for reliable results.
Ignition Coil Winding Resistance
Primary Windings:
Secondary Windings:
2.3 -3.5 Q
12 -18 kQ
Ignition Coil Winding Resistance
1. Measure primary winding resistance.
2. Measure secondary winding resistance.
3. Ignition Coil
* If the meter reads as specified, the ignition coil windings
are probably good. However, if the ignition system still
does not perform as it should after all other components
have been checked, test replace the coil with one
known to be aood.