Drive Chain
Drive Chain Slack Adjustment
.Set the motorcycle up on its side stand and check that
the chain slack is within the standard value.
Drive Chain Slack
Service Limit:
20 -35 mm (35mm is best)
A. Locknut
B. Adjuster
D. Torque Link Nut
OTurn the chain adjusters forward or rearward until the
drive chain has the correct amount of chain slack.
O The right and left notches on the alignment indicators
should point to the same marks or positions on the
swing arm (see above).
T -
1 .Chain Slack
O Check to see that the notches on the alignment indica
tors on both sides are in the same position.
OTighten the adjuster locknuts securely.
OTighten the axle nut to the specified torque (see
Exploded View).
O Insert a new cotter pin through the axle and nut, and
spread its ends.
Wheel Alignment Adjustment
.Check to see if wheel alignment is properly adjusted.
The right and left notches on the alignment indicators
should point to the same marks or positions on the
swing arm.
*If they are not. adjust the chain slack and align the
wheel alignment (see Drive Chain Slack Adjustment).
C. Swing Arm Marks
D. Cotter Pin
A. Notch
B. Alignment Indicator
.Adjust the chain slack as follows.
O Loosen the following nuts.
Axle Nut
Both Chain Adjuster Locknuts
ODo not loosen the torque link nut.
Drive Chain Wear Inspection
.Stretch the chain taut hanging a 98 N (10 kg, 20 Ib)
weight on the chain.
.Measure the length of 20 links on the straight part of the
chain from pin center of the 1 st pin to pin center of the
21 st pin. Since the chain may wear unevenly, take
measurement at several places.