I1 Usefor top browningandbroiling.
"= i ii
Bakei More+TimerC,ockt.PressBroi,pad
2. PressMore+or Less- padfor HI
SetCIock or LObroil.
ID ll ll OvenOn ll I1 Seepage10foradditionalinformation.
Broil Self ll Preheat Less- Cook Stop
Clean Time Time
II Lock
Useto set self-cleancycle.
fUNCTIONPADS _ The indicator light on the first 1. CloseandIockovendoor.
padwill"dim"slightlyandthe in- 2. PressCleanpad."3:00"willappear
dicatorlight on the pad youjust inthe display.
> Press,or pressand hold,
these padsto enter time, More+ pressedwillbe"fullon."This lets 3. Oven willautomaticallycleanfor 3
you know thatyou haveset the hours or press More+ or Less-
oventemperatureor to se- SetClock controlfor twooperations, padto select2 to 4 hoursof clean-
lect HI or LO broil. No
beep will sound when Less- ing.
thesepadsare pressed. For example: If you set "O_M"
the ovento bakeat 350°F Seepages12-13foradditionalinformation.
> Pressthis pad to cancel andthen setat/ruingoper- Bake
all operationsexcept the .: at/on,the indicatorlighton COOK TIME/
TimerandClock. the Bake pad will "dim"
and the indicatorlight on "FULL-ON" STOPTIME PADS
> Functionpadsare theBake,Broil, the Timerpad will be "full ll Useto programthe oven to start and
Clean, Timer, Clock, CookTime, on." stopautomatically.
Stop Time and Cancel pads. A The display will show the Bake 1. Press Cook Time pad and enter
beep will sound when these pads operationfor the padwith thedesiredcookingtime.
arepressed, the "full on" indicatorlight. Pressthe
2. PresstheBakepadandenteroven
>- Allfunctionpadsexceptthe functionpad with the "dim" indicator temperature.
Cancelpadfeaturean indi- lightto recallthatoperation.
catorlight. Bake 3. Todelaythe startof cooking,press
NOTE: If more than 30 seconds the Stop Time pad and enter the
> WhenBakeor Broilpadis II elapse between pressing a function timeyou wishthe ovento turn off.
pressed,the indicatorlight pad and a More+ or Less- pad, the Seepage11foradditionalinformation.
willturn on to letyou know Bake program will be canceled and the
that theoven is setfor this display will return to the previous
operation, display.
Indicator lights on Clean, Timer,
Clock,Cook Time and Stop Time BAKE PAD
pads will flash when the pad is Usefor bakingor roasting.
pressed.These indicatorlightswill 1. PressBake pad.
stopflashingbutwill remainlitonce 2. PressMore+or Less-paduntilthe
the functionstarts.
correctoven temperatureappears
>- If an indicatorlighton afunctionpad inthe display.
is lit andyouset a secondoperation: Seepage8 for additionalinformation.
- Eitherthe controlwill not accept
the operationor