Usedfor roastingtallercuts of meat
!_-.-_ | or turkey. Place both oven racks,
_,_ one abovethe other,on the raised
f_,_ _ _ ____ --5 sidesof theovenbottom.
> Do not attemptto changethe !_ --4
hot.rackpositionwhenthe ovenis _, -- _ ,_--2_1 l_i = = [_
Yourovenhastworacks.Theyare de-
signedwitha lock-stopedge. RACK5: =_
Used for toasting breador broiling
TO REMOVE: Pull rack straightout thin non-fattyfoods.
until it stopsat the lock-stopposition;
lift up onthe front of the rackand pull RACK4: MULTIPLERACKCOOKING:
out. Used for most broiling and some
two-rackbaking. Tworack:
Userackpositions2 and4, or 1and
Used for most baked goods on a
_%\\',_ i_./_,1 cookiesheetor jelly roll pan,layer NOTE: Neverplace pans directlyon
!_'_l_ cakes, fruit pies, or frozen conve- the ovenbottom.
Ii:if¢I] niencefoods.
Used for roasting small cuts of A half rack,to increaseoven capacity,is
meat,casseroles,bakingloavesof availableasanaccessory.Itfitsintheleft,
bread,bundtcakes,custardpies or upperportionof the ovenand provides
TO REPLACE:Placerackontherack two-rackbaking, spacefora vegetabledishwhena large
supportintheoven;tilt thefrontendup RACK1: Jenn-Airdealerfor the "HALFRACK"Ac-
slightly;slide rack back until it clears Usedforroastinglargecutsof meat cessoryKitorcall1-800-688-8408toorder.
the lock-stopposition;lowerfront and and poultry, frozen pies, dessert
slidebackintothe oven. souffles,angel food cake, or two-
Donot cover an entire rack withalu- rackbaking.
minum foil or place foil on the oven
bottom. Baking results will be af-
fected and damage may occur to
the oven bottom.