properly contain food and avoid
boilovers.Pan size is particularlyim- Turnoff all controlsandwaitfor appli- AHD WARHIHG
portantin deepfat frying. Besure pan ance partsto coolbefore touchingor
will accommodatethe volumeof food cleaningthem.Do nottouchthe bum-
thatis to be addedaswellasthe bub- The California Safe Drinking Water
er grates or surroundingareas until and Toxic EnforcementAct of 1986
bleactionof fat. theyhavehadsufficienttimetocool. (Proposition65) requirestheGovernor
Tominimizeburns,ignitionof flamma- Clean appliance with caution. Use of California to publisha list of sub-
ble materialsandspillagedueto unin- care to avoid steam burns if a wet stancesknownto the Stateof Califor-
tentionalcontact with the utensil,do
spongear cloth is usedto wipe spills nia to cause cancer or reproductive
not extendhandlesoveradjacentsur- on a hot surface.Somecleanerscan harm,andrequiresbusinessestowarn
faceburners.Alwaysturn panhandles producenoxiousfumes if appliedto a customers of potential exposuresto
towardthe side or back of the appli- hotsurface, suchsubstances.
ance,notoutintothe roomwherethey
areeasilyhit or reachedby smallchil- Users of this appliance are hereby
dren. ,_I[L[1_.LL,/Arq(lrlr'_"|rA_lOVEH warned that the burning of gas can
resultin low-levelexposureto someof
Neverlet a panboil dry as this could the listedsubstances,includingben-
damagethe utensilandtheappliance. Cleanonlypartslistedinthis guide.Do zene,formaldehydeandsoot,duepri-
notclean door gasket.The door gas- marilyto the incompletecombustiono
Follow the manufacturer'sdirections ketis essentialfor a good seal. Care natural gas or liquid petroleum (LP
whenusingovencookingbags. shouldbe takennotto rub,damageor fuels. Properly adjusted burners wil
Onlycertaintypes of glass,glass/ce- removethe gasket.Do not use oven minimize incompletecombustion.Ex
ramic,ceramicor glazedutensilsare cleanersof any kind in or aroundany posureto these substancescan als(
suitable for cooktop or oven usage partof the self-cleanoven.
be minimizedby properlyventingthe
without breaking due to the sudden Beforeself-cleaningthe oven,remove burnersto the outdoors.
changein temperature.Followmanu- broilerpan,ovenracksandotheruten- Users of this appliance are hereb_
facturer's instructions when using sils and wipe up excessivespillovers
glass, to prevent excessivesmokeor flare- warnedthatwhenengagedintheself
clean cycle, there may be Iow-leve
This appliance has been tested for ups. exposureto some of the listed sub.
safe performanceusing conventional CAUTION:Donot leavefoodor cook- stances, includingcarbon monoxide
cookware.Do not use any devicesor ing utensils,etc., in the oven during Exposurecanbe minimizedbyproper
accessoriesthat are not specifically the self-cleancycle, ly ventingthe oven to the outdoor,,
recommendedin this guide. Do not duringthe self-cleancycleto openin(
useeyelidcoversforthesurfaceunits, It is normal for the cooktopof the a window and/or door in the roorr
stovetopgrills,oradd-onovenconvec- range to become hot during a self- wherethe applianceis located.
tion systems.The use of devicesor clean cycle. Therefore,touching the
accessoriesthatarenotexpresslyrec- cooktopduringacleancycleshouldbe IMPORTANTNOTICE REGARDIN(
ommendedin this manualcan create avoided.
PET BIRDS:Neverkeeppet birds i
serioussafety hazards,result in per- the kitchen or in rooms where th
formanceproblems,and reduce the fumes from the kitchencould reac}
life of the componentsof the appli- Birdshavea verysensitiverespirator
ance. system. Fumes released during a
ovenself-cleaningcyclemaybe harrr
ful or fatal to birds. Fumes release
due to overheated cooking oil, fa
margarine and overheatednon-stic