BURNER(12,000 BTU*)
FROMDISCOLORINGOR This rangefeaturesa/ High _ A properly adjusted burner with
high speed burner,,_l--- Pe,_o_,oe
STAINING: located in the right I • Front clean ports willlight withina few
seconds.If usingnatural gas the
> Cleancooktopaftereachuse. front position.This high-performance flamewill be blue with a deeper
burner offers higher speed cooking blueinnercone.
> Wipeacidicor sugaryspills as thatcan beusedto quicklybringwater
soonasthecooktophascooled toa benandfor large-quantitycooking. Ifthe burnerflame is yellowor is
asthesespillsmaydiscolorthe *BTU ratingswillvary whenusingLP noisythe air/gasmixturemaybe
porcelain, gas. incorrect.Contacta servicetech-
nicianto adjust.(Adjustmentsare
Unlikea rangewithstandardgasburn- notcoveredby thewarranty.)
ers,thiscooktopdoesnotlift-upnor is SIMMERBURNER
it removable.Do not attempt to lift With LPgas, someyellowtips on
the cooktop for any reason. Thisburner is locatedin the left rear theflamesare acceptable.Thisis
position.The simmerburneroffers a normalandadjustmentis notnec-
lowerBTUflamefordelicatesaucesor essary.
> Withsometypesofgas,you may
heara "popping"soundwhenthe
surfaceburner is turnedoff. This
BURNERGRATES isa normaloperatingsoundofthe
SEALEDBURNERS The grates must be properly posi-
tioned before cooking. Improperin- >- If the controlknob is turned very
Thesealedburnersofyourrangeare se- stallationof the grates may result in quickly from HIGH to LOW,the
curedtothecooktopandarenotdesigned chippingof the cooktop, flame may go out, particularlyif
to be removed.Sincethe burnersare Do not operate the the burneris cold. If this occurs,
sealedintothecooktop,boiloversorspills burners without a pan turnthe knobto the Off position,
willnotseepunderneaththecooktop, on the grate. The wait several secondsand relight
However,the burnerheadsshould be grate's porcelain fin- the burner.
cleanedaftereachuse.(Seepage14for ish maychip without a
cleaningdirections.) panto absorb the heat > The flameshould be adjustedso
from the burner flame, it does not extend beyond the
edgeof the pan.
Although the burner
will graduaNylose their shine and/or
discolor,dueto the hightemperatures
of the gasflame.