
Read before operating your range
All appliances - regardlessof the manufacturer- have the potential
throughimproperorcarelessuseto createsafetyproblems.Therefore
the followingsafetyprecautionsshouldbe observed:
1. Be sure your applianceis properlyinstalledand groundedby a
2. Never use your appliancefor warmingor heating the room. This
warningisbasedon safety considerations.
3. Children should not be left alone or unattendedin area where
applianceisin use. Theyshouldneverbe allowedtositor standon
any partof the appliance.
4. Wear properapparel. Loose-fitting or hanging garments should
neverbe worn whileusingthe appliance.
5. Do notrepairorreplaceanypartof theapplianceunlessspecifically
recommendedinthismanual. Allotherservicingshouldbe referred
to an authorizedJenn-AirService Contractor.
6. Do not store combustiblematerials,gasolineor other flammable
aerosolspray cans.
7. Do notuse waterongreasefires. Smotherfire orflame or use dry
chemical or foam-type extinguisher.
8. Useonly dry potholders. Moist or damp potholderson hot surfaces
may result in bums from steam. Do not use a towel or other bulky
9. Select cookware large enough to properly contain food and avoid
boilovers or spillovers. This will save on cleaning and prevent
left on a range can ignite. Pan size is especially important in deep
fat frying.
10. Never leave range unattended at Hi heatsettings. Boil over causes
smoking and greasy spillovers that may ignite.
11. TYPE OF COOKWARE - Avoid pans that are unstable and easily
tipped, tn choosing pans, look for easily-grasped handles that will
stay cool. Pans that are too heavy when filled with food can also be
a hazard. If pan handles twistand cannot be tightened,discard the