
When electrical power is supplied or after power interruption,the last clock time
displayedbefore powerwas interruptedwillflash. Time will advance and continueto
flashuntilclock isreset.
To set time of day:
1. Touch Clook Pad.
IndicatorwordsSET TiME will flashand time digitswill appearinthe Display. (If
morethan30 secondselapse betweentouchingClock Pad andtouchingthe Up
orDownArrow Pads,the Clock Padmustbetouchedagaininorderto setclock.)
2. Touchthe Up or Down Arrow Pads in either directionuntilcorrecttime of day
appearsin Display.
Note: Three secondslater,time of day will automaticallybe entered.
To recalltime of day when another time function is showing: TouchClock Pad.
(Note: To returnto anothertime functionpad,touchthe appropriatepad.)
To change time of day set on clock: Repeat above sequence.
Note: ClockTimecannotbechangedwhenoven hasbeen programmedforTimed
Bakeor Self-Clean. Cancelprogrambefore reprogrammingclock.