*Omitsteps5 & 6 ifyou wantbakingto start immediately.
To set oven to start immediately and shut off automatically:
1. Touch Bake Pad
IndicatorWordBAKE and "000°" will be shownin Display.
2. TouchtheUp or DownArrow Pads untildesiredoventemperatureappearsinthe
Display.After 3 seconds the oven will begin to preheat. The IndicatorWords ON
and BAKEwill appearin the Display. The temperatureshownwill be 75° or the
temperatureof the oven,whicheverishigher.
Example; Ifat 10o'clockyousetthe ovenfor350ofor baking,the Displaywillshow:
I lo.oo
OurJngthe preheat,theDisplaywJ]lshowa riseJn5oIncrementsuntJJprogrammed
temperatureisreached. When theoven ispreheated,theovenwill beep,the ON
and BAKEIndicatorWords andprogrammedoventemperaturewillremain inthe
3. TouchCook Time Pad.
IndicatorWordsSET COOK TIME willflash and Displaywill show"OHR:00".
4. Touchthe Up Arrow Pad to enter cookinghoursin5 minuteincrements.
Hoursare to left of colonand minutes toright of co/on.
(Allowablerange is 10 minutesto 11 hoursand 55 minutes.)
Example: If cookingtimeselectedfor theovenis 2 hoursand 30 minutes,after3
secondsthe Displaywillshow:
Impodant: Oven willpreheatforapproximately7 to 10 minutes.At end of
requirea preheatedoven,suchascakes,cookies,pies,breads.Forthesefoods,
placefoodinpreheatedoven,thenuseTimertosignalend ofbakingtime.
At the end of programmedCook Time, the oven will shut offautomaticallyand
intermittent "beeps"willsignaluntilthe Cancel/Off Pad istouched.