WhenthecontrolknobisturnedON, gaswillflowintothebumer. The solidstateigniter
willclickuntilthegas isignited.(Note: Allburnerigniterswillsparkregardlessofwhich
burneris being operated.)
A properlyadjustedburnerwithcleanportswilllightwithina few seconds. The cone-
shapedflamewillbeclear blueincolorwitha clearlydefinedinnercone. There should
be notraceof yellowintheflame. If the burnerflameis yellow,liftsoff the ports,or is
noisy,the airgas mixturemay be incorrect. Therefore,contact a service technician to
makethe needed adjustment.
The infinitesurfacecontrolsprovideflexibilityin heatsettingselection.(See page tO.)
Incaseof prolongedpowerfailure,youcanmanuallylightthesurfaceburnerbyholding
a lightedmatchnearthe burnerportsandslowlyturningthecontrolknobcounterclock-
wise(afterdepressing)tothe Lite setting.
Caution: When lightingthe surface burner, besureall of the controlsare in the OFF
position.Strikethe matchfirstandhold itinpositionbeforeturningtheknob
tothe Llte position.
Note: Becauseyouroverheadhoodfan is electricit willnot workduringa power
failuresosmoke and condensationcangather,
The Lo settingshouldproducea stableflame
when turningthe knob from HI to Lo. The
on the burnercapwhen adjustedfor the Lo
setting. Plus,the flamemustbe stableon all
portson Lo setting.
To adjust: Operatebumer on Hi forabout 5
minutesto preheat burner cap. Turn knob
backto Lo; removeknob,and insert a small
screwdriverintothecenterof the valvestem.
ineitherdirectionwhileholdingthevalve stem
Flamemustbe of sufficientsizeto bestableonall burnerports. Ifflame adjustmentis
needed,adjustONLY onthe Lo setting. Neveradjustflame size on a highersetting.
Note; Allgas adjustmentsshouldbe done bya qualifiedserviceronly.