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1) The GbE features support two ports per feature and the 10 GbE feature
supports one port per feature.
2) For SNA traffi c in QDIO mode use Enterprise Extender or TN3270E.
3) IEEE 802.1q,
4) When the OSA-Express2 GbE features become available, the OSA-
Express Gigabit Ethernet features will no longer be orderable.
5) The OSA-Express2 10 Gigabits per second (Gbps) link data rate does
not represent the actual throughput of the OSA-Express2 10 GbE fea-
ture. Actual throughput is dependent upon many factors, including traffi c
direction, the pattern of acknowledgement traffi c, packet size, the appli-
cation, TCP/IP, the network, disk subsystem, and the number of clients
being served.
6) and OSA-Express
7) VLAN id, IEEE 802.1q
8) As of December 3, 2004, z/VM VSWITCH support exploits the Layer 2
support within the z/VM Control Program
9) and OSA-Express (GbE, 1000BASE-T Ethernet and Fast Ethernet)
10) The PCICA and PCIXCC features are no longer orderable upon the
availability of the Crypto Express2 feature.
11) Crypto Express2, PCIXCC and PCICA features occupy a card slot but
they do not use CHPIDs.