MSUs and SRM constants. The z990 default mixed work-
load will be composed of equal amounts of fi ve workloads,
Trade2-EJB, WEB/CICS/DB2, IMS, CB84 and CBW2. Addi-
tionally, the z890/z990 LSPR will rate all z/Architecture pro-
cessors running in LPAR mode and 64-bit mode. The existing
z900 processors have all been re-measured using the new
workloads – all running in LPAR mode and 64-bit mode.
Using the new LSPR ‘default mixed workload' for z/OS
1.4, and with all processors executing in 64-bit and LPAR
mode, the following results have been achieved:
• Comparing a one-way z800 Model 001 to a one-way
z890 Model A04 170, it is estimated that the z890 model
has 2.0 times the capacity of z800 Model 001.
• Comparing a two-way z800 Model 002 to a two-way
z890 Model A04 270, it is estimated that the z890 model
has 2.1 times the capacity of z800 Model 002.
• Comparing a three-way z800 Model 003 to a three-way
z890 Model A04 370, it is estimated that the z890 model
has 2.1 times the capacity of z800 Model 003.
• Comparing a four-way z800 Model 004 to a four-way
z890 Model A04 470, it is estimated that the z890 model
has 2.1 times the capacity of z800 Model 004.
z890's Positioning in the zSeries Family
Note: Expected performance improvements are based on hard-
ware changes. Additional performance benefi ts may be obtained
as the z/Architecture is fully exploited.
The z890 contains an I/O subsystem infrastructure which
uses an I/O cage that provides 28 I/O slots. Each I/O
cage has seven I/O domains with four features in each I/O
domain, and each domain has one STI for connectivity to
support each I/O cage. ESCON, FICON Express, FICON
Express2, OSA-Express, OSA-Express2 and Crypto
Express2 features plug into the z890 I/O cage along with
any ISC-3s and STI-3 distribution cards, and PCICA and
PCIXCC cryptographic features. All I/O cards and their
support cards can be hot-plugged in the I/O cage. The
z890 provides approximately a 78 percent increase in I/O
bandwidth provided by the STIs when compared to the
z890 Cage Layout
z900 and z990
> 2550 MIPs
z890 I/O Subsystem