– ICF Expansion into shared CPs. A CF partition running
with dedicated ICFs needing processing capacity
beyond what is available with the dedicated CP ICFs,
can “grow” into the shared pool of application CPs
being used to execute zSeries applications on the
same server.
– ICF Expansion into shared ICFs. A CF partition run-
ning with dedicated ICFs can “grow” into the shared
pool of ICFs in case the dedicated ICF capacity is not
suffi cient. The resulting partition, an “L-shaped” LPAR,
will be composed of both shared ICF and dedicated
ICF processors, enabling more effi cient utilization of
ICF resources across the various CF LPARs.
System-Managed CF Structure Duplexing
System-Managed Coupling Facility (CF) Structure Duplex-
ing provides a general purpose, hardware-assisted, easy-
to-exploit mechanism for duplexing CF structure data. This
provides a robust recovery mechanism for failures such as
loss of a single structure or CF or loss of connectivity to a
single CF, through rapid failover to the backup instance of
the duplexed structure pair.
Benefi ts of System-Managed CF Structure Duplexing
• Availability
Faster recovery of structures by having the data already
there in the second CF dramatically reducing the time
and processing required for structure rebuilds. System-
Managed Duplexing also provides basic recovery for
many structures that have no simple means to recover
data for failed structures, failed CFs, and losses of CF
• Manageability and Usability
A consistent procedure to duplexing does not “set
up” structures and manage structures across multiple
• Reliability
A common framework provides less effort on behalf of
the exploiters, resulting in more reliable subsystem code.
• Cost Benefi ts
Facilitates the use of non-standalone CFs (e.g. ICFs) for
data sharing environments in addition to resource shar-
ing environments.
• Flexibility
The diagram below represents creation of a duplexed
copy of the structure within a System-Managed CF
Duplexing Confi guration server using standard LPAR.
A CF can be confi gured to run in either a dedicated or
shared CP partition. IBM software charges apply. This
may be a good alternative for test confi gurations that
require very little CF processing resource or for provid-
ing hot-standby CF backup
using the Dynamic Coupling
Facility Dispatching function.
Note: An example of two systems in a Parallel Sysplex with
CF Duplexing
Customers who are interested in testing and/or deploying
System-Managed CF Structure Duplexing in their sysplex,
please review GM13-0103,
System-Managed CF Struc-
ture Duplexing
at ibm.com/server/eserver/zseries/pso
or ibm.com/server/eserver/zseries/library/techpapers/
gm130103.html to understand the performance and other
considerations of using this feature.
A robust failure recovery capability