SDK for z/OS, Java 2 Technology Edition, 1.4 provides a
full-function Software Development Kit (SDK) at the Java
2 technology level, compliant with the Sun SDK 1.4 APIs.
With SDK for z/OS, Java 2 Technology Edition, V1.4, cus-
tomers can:
• Test and deploy Java applications at the Java 2 SDK 1.4
API level
• Continue the “write once, run anywhere” Java paradigm
at the Java 2 API level
• Take advantage of the new Java 2 function, including
XML and Web services
• Continue to take advantage of:
– Common cross platform programming Security APIs
within Java framework
– Java Record Input/Output (JRIO) APIs to provide
record-oriented access to VSAM datasets, System
catalogs, and PDS directory
– Persistent reusable JVM technology for CICS, IMS,
and DB2
• Leverage traditional zSeries software and server ben-
efi ts: scalability, reliability, availability, performance and
IBM 64-Bit SDK for z/OS, Java 2 Technology Edition, 1.4
(5655-I56) provides a full-function Software Development
Kit (SDK) at the Java 2 technology level, compliant with
the Sun SDK 1.4 APIs. With 64-bit SDK for z/OS, Java 2
Technology Edition, 1.4, you can run Java applications that
were previously storage constrained.
The Java SDK for z/OS is available via download from the
IBM ^ zSeries Java Web site and by tape from IBM
Software Delivery and Fulfi llment (SDF) in SMP/E format.
For additional information about zSeries Java products, go
to: ibm.com/servers/eserver/zseries/software/java/.
z/OS provides Unicode Callable System Services – code
page and case conversions from EBCDIC to Unicode:
• DB2 V7 is the fi rst exploiter
• New hardware instruction on zSeries servers has been
implemented to provide superior performance
• Unicode Normalization Services allows programmers to
decompose or compose characters from another code
page and can apply normalization forms to have the
same meaning.
REXX Functions
• z/OS V1.4 extends the REXX language on z/OS when
used in a UNIX System Services zSeries REXX environ-
ment. It includes functions for standard REXX I/O and to
easily access some common fi le services and environ-
ments variables.
Communication Services
z/OS Version 1 Release 6 base elements
z/OS Communications Server (Multiprotocol/HPR Services, TCP/IP
Services, SNA/APPN Services)
OSA Support Facility
z/OS Version 1 Release 6 optional no-charge features
z/OS Communications Server Security Level 3
The z/OS base includes z/OS Communication Server,
which enables: world class TCP/IP and SNA networking
support, including enterprise class dependability; perfor-
mance and scalability; highly secure connectivity; sup-
port for multiple protocols; and effi cient use of networking
z/OS can provide near continuous availability for TCP/IP
applications and their users with two key features in z/OS:
Sysplex Distributor and Dynamic VIPA.