v Enable DLSw on the node.
v Define the DLSw ports with the following parameter:
– Define a locally administered MAC address for DLSw
– Disable the
Service any
node parameter
4. Enable APPN routing on the port.
5. Define APPN link stations on the selected DLC ports for the adjacent nodes:
v that may initiate a connection to this network node.
v which you desire this router network node to initiate a connection.
Specify the following link station parameters:
v Fully Qualified CP name of adjacent node (required)
v Any required addressing parameters for adjacent node
v And optionally:
CP-CP Session Level Security
Security Encryption Key
6. Enable the APPN network node.
7. Configure the following parameters for the APPN network node:
v Network ID
v Control point name
8. Define the XID number for subarea connections parameter for the APPN
network node (optional):
9. Accept all other defaults.
10. (Optional) Configure the following router network node options:
v Modify High-Performance Routing parameters
v Configure Dependent LU Requester
v Define connection networks
v Define new COS names or mode name mappings
v Tune the performance of this node
v Perform node service trace diagnostics
v Collect statistics for this network node
Configuring Branch Extender
To configure Branch Extender, set the following configuration parameters as
appropriate for your network.
1. Use the set node command to:
a. Answer 1 for Branch Extender to the
Enable Branch Extender or Border
question. If you answer 0, none of the following Branch Extender
questions will appear.
b. Answer yes or no to the
Permit search for unregistered LUs
depending on whether or not you want to allow searches from the backbone
for LUs that were not registered with the network node server.
c. Your answer to the
Branch uplink
question will determine the default for the
analogous link level question.
2. Use the add link command to:
a. Answer yes to the
Branch uplink
question if you want the router to appear
as an end node on this link. An end node is for links to network nodes in the
backbone. Note that this question doesn’t appear and is forced to yes if you
MRS V3.2 Protocol Config Ref Vol 2