Default Value: None
Hello period
Specifies the number of seconds between Hello messages. On
point-to-point interfaces, this value is ignored. Once the 2210
establishes adjacency, Hello messages are silenced.
Valid Values: 1 - 65535
Default Value: 30
Join prune hold time
Controls messages to inform the receiving device on how long (in
seconds) to hold the state activated by the message. Prunes sent
to the device remain active for this number of seconds.
Valid Values: 1 - 65535
Default Value: 210
preference routetype
This is a configured metric preference to be used in the assert process. It
allows the user to selectively select which unicast route types in the unicast
forwarding tables has precedence over other route types. It is of local
significance only, meaning it is used for this device and all its attached PIM
activated interfaces. This can be used if several unicast routing protocols
are in use by this router, adjacent routers are running different routing
protocols, or route types, such as default routes, are desired over learned
Routetype can specify the following route types:
v rip
v direct
v fixed
v default
v filter
PIM Config> set preference rip
RIP Metric Preference (hex) [FFFF]?
Metric Preference
This value is sent to other routers in the assert process during
duplicate multicast forwarding detection and is used with route
metric costs to determine which router should be the forwarding
router. All metric preferences are initially set to X'FFFF'.
Valid Values: A 4-digit hexadecimal value
Default Value: X'FFFF'
variables cache_life
PIM config>set v cache_life
Mcfwd cache Holdtime [60]
Mcfwd cache holdtime
Specifies the amount of time in seconds that a multicast forwarding
entry which has not been used to forward any multicast datagrams
will be allowed to exist in the multicast forwarding cache before it is
PIM Configuration Commands (Talk 6)
MRS V3.2 Protocol Config Ref Vol 2