Table 20. Configuration Parameter List - Port Default TG Characteristics (continued)
Parameter Information
Valid Values
Nonsecure all else (for example, satellite-connected, or located in a nonsecure
Public switched network
secure in the sense that route is not predetermined
Underground cable
located in secure country (as determined by the network
Secure conduit Not guarded, (for example, pressurized pipe)
Guarded conduit
protected against physical tapping
Encrypted link-level encryption is provided
Guarded radiation
guarded conduit containing the transmission medium; protected
against physical and radiation tapping
Default Value
For ATM SVCs and ATM PVCs:
Campus ATM best effort
Campus ATM reserved
WAN ATM best effort
Public switched network
WAN ATM reserved
Public switched network
For IP:
Campus Nonsecure
WAN Public switched network
For all other: Nonsecure
This parameter specifies the security TG characteristic for all link stations defined on
this port. The security TG characteristic indicates the level of security protection
associated with the TG. If security attributes other than the architecturally-defined ones
are needed, one of the user-defined TG characteristics may be used to specify
additional values.
APPN Configuration Commands
MRS V3.2 Protocol Config Ref Vol 2