Chapter 7. Using DNA IV
This chapter describes IBM’s implementation of Digital Network Architecture Phase
IV (DNA IV) and includes the following sections:
v “DNA IV Overview”
v “IBM’s Implementation of DNA IV” on page 252
v “Configuring DNA IV” on page 261
v “DNA IV Configuration and Monitoring Commands” on page 265
DNA IV Overview
DNA IV is a collection of software components that transfer information between
networks connected by physical media. By transferring information, DNA IV
software facilitates communication between network devices, such as personal
computers, file servers, and printers.
DNA IV protocol is the underlying protocol for Digital Equipment Corporation’s
DECnet software products as well as DNA-compatible products. DNA IV protocol
includes the following:
v Routing software for DNA IV protocol networks.
v NCP, an implementation of the DNA IV Network Control Program. For more
information, refer to the appropriate DECnet-VAX documentation, published by
Digital Equipment Corporation.
v Support for DNA IV Maintenance Operations Protocol (MOP).
DNA IV performs two major functions:
v Maintains a complete routing database on all nodes in its area. (If the router is
operating as a level 2 router, it maintains the database for all areas as well.)
v Routes incoming DECnet data packets to the appropriate destinations based on
its own routing database. It ignores packets that are addressed to the router that
are not hello packets or routing packets.
DNA IV supports the following:
v Multiple areas on an Ethernet or Token-Ring network.
v Basic MOP operations. DNA IV responds to a MOP Request ID message with a
MOP System ID message. DNA IV also sends a MOP system ID Message when
a circuit comes up. You can monitor MOP messages using the Ethernet
configuration module under DECnet-VAX NCP. The router NCP does not include
an Ethernet configuration module.
v LAT Protocol. LAT protocol is not part of the DNA IV protocol family. It is an
Ethernet-only protocol intended only for short-distance (limited round-trip time)
communications. (CTERM protocol provides wide-area terminal support using
DNA IV protocols across routers. The set host command in DECnet-VAX
provides the CTERM protocol.)
Special consideration should be given to the following DNA IV restrictions:
v DNA IV does not support the NSP, Session, or NICE protocols.
v DNA IV does not support the DDCMP line protocol on its directly connected
synchronous lines.
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