Input parameter &1 not valid.
Server configuration &1 not found or is unreadable.
Unable to update server configuration &1.
CPF9802 E
Not authorized to object &2 &3.
Read a Configuration File into Memory (QzhbOpenConfig) API
Required Parameter Group:
1 name Input Char(10)
2 writelock Input Binary(4)
3 cfg Output Binary(4)
4 errcode I/O Char(*)
Threadsafe: Yes
Use the QzhbOpenConfig API to read a configuration file into memory. A handle to
the memory copy of the file is returned, and is used in subsequent API calls to
manipulate directives within the file. When the copy of the file is no longer
required, the QzhbCloseConfig API is used to free it and optionally write the
altered contents out.
Authorities and locks
To invoke this API with a writelock value of 0, the user must have the following
v *EXECUTE authority to the QUSRSYS library
v *OBJOPR and *READ authority to the QUSRSYS/QATMHTTPC file
To invoke this API with a writelock value of 1, the user must have the following
v *EXECUTE authority to the QUSRSYS library
v *OBJOPR, *OBJMGR, *ADD, and *DLT authority to the QUSRSYS/QATMHTTPC
Required parameter group
The name of the configuration file you want to read into memory. The name
can be up to 10 characters long (padded with blanks).
The value 0 (false) or 1 (true). If the value is 1, an exclusive read object lock is
obtained on this member of the QUSRSYS/QATMHTTPC file. No other user
can update the configuration while the lock is in place. The lock is released
when the QzhbCloseConfig API is called. If the value is 0, no lock is placed on
the member.
Chapter 2. Application Programming Interfaces 45